For the education set up of a nation to have a sense of direction, there is need for a policy document guiding its operation. This course intends to introduce us to the Nigeria National Policy on Education (NPE), its development, philosophy, objectives structure and components. This course is also geared towards introducing us to the teaching profession, its provision in the NPE, its professional status in Nigeria and challenges being faced in the profession.

By the end of this course, learners should be able to:
a. narrate/outline the process leading to the formulation of the policy;
b. explain the Philosophy and Objectives of the National Policy on Education;
c. describe the structure of the NPE;
d. highlight the professional situation of teaching in the NPE;
e. explain the challenges facing teaching and Teacher Education in Nigeria; and
f. explain the role and impact of Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) on the Professionalization of teaching in Nigeria.

Course Outline
a. The National Policy on Education –its formulation process
b. The philosophy, objectives and structure of the NPE
c. The NPE and Teacher Education in Nigeria
d. Challenges facing the teaching profession and Teacher Education in Nigeria
e. The TRCN and the Professionalization of teaching in Nigeria
f. Benefits and Challenges of professionalizing teaching.

This module introduces the national policy on education and historically traces the development of education in earlier generations of Greeks and Romans leading to Nigeria’s pre-colonial, bnational policy evolved was detailed including the prescribed structure and standard of the education system. It concluded with discussion on the state of the nation’s education.